Sammy Hagar's
Number One Fan!
"Special Needs" Fan Has Time of
Her Life!�
Thanks Sammy Robyn Had the time of
her life at the Sammy Hagar Red Rocker Concert in Las Vegas.� Thanks
goes to Sammy Hagar for his kindness to everyone.�
Robyn will
never forget this!� Thank you Sammy! |
Above: Steve from Journey talking to Robyn�����������
David presenting Robyn a signed Tshirt by Sammy
Ever since Robyn met Sammy
Hagar backstage before a concert in Las Vegas, Nevada, she wanted to visit Cabo
Wabo.� We planned a special trip over the Christmas vacation to Cabo San Lucas and a few other Mexican cities via the Diamond
Princess Cruise Ship.
The following photos were taken
during Robyn's visit to Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Cantina.� We understand
that Sammy was in town during our visit but we were unable to actually have
Robyn meet him again.� As you can see from the photos, she had a wonderful
  All large cruise ships that visit Cabo San Lucas set anchor
in the harbor and passengers are transported to the dock using tenders.�
The day we visited Cabo San Lucas, on the Diamond Princess (ship on the left),
the Holland America Line cruise ship Ossterdam, (ship on the right) was also in
the harbor..
  We walked from the dock to Sammy's Cabo Wabo.� As soon
as Robyn saw Cabo Wabo she got all excited and yelled out like she just won!�
She screamed "That's it!"
  We arrived just before Cabo Wabo opened up and Robyn made
instant friends with security and told him that she was "here to see Sammy!!!"
  The staff at Cabo Wabo was great and very happy to show Robyn
around and make her feel welcome.�
After several hours of looking at everything
and eating a great burrito, it was time to head back to the ship.
Thank you to everyone at Cabo Wabo.
The Cabo Wabo Souvenir Shop
� Robyn picked out some of her favorite souvenirs.
The photos on this page in no way attempt to
infringe on the trademark or any copyrights of Sammy Hagar or Cabo Wabo Cantina.��
These photos are for personal use only and may not be downloaded for commercial
The purpose of this page is to document Robyn's visit to Sammy Hagar's Cabo
Wabo.� Nothing more.� Thank you for visiting.
Please send comments or questions
to Owen R Murray
